Take On Your Pain

You may be wondering how a therapy that focuses on your mind can help with pain control. Or maybe it seems to suggest that the pain you have is in your mind. Well, let me start by saying that your pain is real. Hypnotherapy can play a part in easing your symptoms by learning to influence the pain network that exists in our brains.

Imagine the pain you experience when stubbing your toe or stepping barefoot on to a piece of Lego. Most of us would agree that it’s not particularly pleasant, but another thing that we can agree on is that we all experience pain differently. In fact, whilst the pain in this example is felt in the foot, the experience of pain is generated in a complex network in our brain, via messages sent rapidly to and from the site of the pain.

Why is this important? Well, it means that we have the opportunity to change our experience of pain at the level of the brain, and that’s where hypnotherapy comes in. Experiencing deep relaxation with self-hypnosis is just the first step of being able to take on your pain.

The impact of chronic pain has a much wider effect than just the pain itself. Sleep, relationships, work, mood, hopes for the future, and so much more can be impacted, which is why a holistic approach to managing chronic pain is so important.

If you are suffering from chronic pain and want to know how hypnotherapy can help, you can book a discovery consultation with me, Dr Connie Kerali, by clicking the link below.

Whilst results can vary from person to person, I can guarantee that I will use the same empathetic, non-judgmental, professional, and holistic approach that I’m well known for as a doctor. I will listen to the challenges that you are facing in your own life, and we can work together to create a tailored coaching and self-hypnosis program that will help you to achieve your well-being goals.

I look forward to working with you.
