Speak Shame

Read, watch, & listen to inspiring conversations with remarkable women who have faced adversity & emerged stronger. Do you want to share your story?

A lady with headphones during her life coaching and clinical hypnotherapy session with Dr Connie Kerali.

Preparing For Your Coaching & Hypnotherapy Session

October 27, 20243 min read

Preparing For Your Coaching & Hypnotherapy Session


Hello Remarkable Woman,

I’m Dr Connie Kerali – a medical doctor with over 15 years’ experience, an empowerment life coach & clinical hypnotherapist, and a survivor of sexual violence. Welcome to Speak Shame: The Blog that’s on a mission to share over 100,000 inspiring stories from remarkable women who have faced and overcome adversity, emerging stronger. In addition, you can read expert insights on how to let go of shame and rediscover your self-worth. I hope you enjoy this article.


Eight Things to Prepare for Your First Session

If you’ve decided to embark on either the online 1-2-1 life coaching and hypnotherapy program or the group sessions with me, Dr Connie Kerali, you may be wondering what you need to prepare for the sessions in advance. In this blog, I’ll go through all the things that will help to make it a comfortable experience, so read on below for my guide to the eight things to prepare before your first session.


Woman listening to Dr Connie Kerali during her life coaching and clinical hypnotherapy session.

1.     The beauty of online life coaching and hypnotherapy is that you can have your session from the comfort of your own home, or office, or anywhere in the world. You just need to find a quiet room where you won’t be distracted by people or pets and where you feel free to speak openly.

2.     Your online life coaching and hypnotherapy session will be a chance to disconnect and focus on you. So, switch off or silence any devices that can give notifications such as mobile phones or any alarms.

3.     Make sure you’ll be comfortable for the next hour in a seated position, with the correct room temperature for you.

4.     Headphones with a microphone can help block out any external noise and will help me to hear you clearly during the session, but don’t worry too much if you don’t have access to these.


“It is so important to take time for yourself and find clarity. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.”
Diane Von Furstenberg


5.     Good internet access is key so it’s worthwhile checking the connectivity in the location you plan to use in advance if it’s somewhere new to you.

6.     Leading on from the last point, make sure the electronic device that you’ll be using for the video call is sufficiently charged.

7.     You can bring along a notepad or pen if you’d like to make notes during the session.

8.     And finally, make the most out of the workbook that you're provided with for your 1-2-1 sessions to chart your progress throughout the program.

I look forward to working with you.

Best wishes,

Dr Connie Kerali


If you’re tired of feeling like you’re not worthy of love or belonging, or feeling like you’re not enough – not attractive enough, smart enough, slim enough, young enough, accomplished enough – then download my free Remarkable Woman Workbook and begin your journey to letting go of shame and rediscovering your self-worth.

If you want to discover how life coaching and hypnotherapy can empower you to let go of shame and rediscover your self-worth, then book a FREE Discovery Call with me, Dr Connie Kerali.

Dr Connie Kerali is a medical doctor with over 15 years of experience, an empowerment coach & clinical hypnotherapist, and a survivor of rape.

Dr Connie Kerali

Dr Connie Kerali is a medical doctor with over 15 years of experience, an empowerment coach & clinical hypnotherapist, and a survivor of rape.

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If you’d like to work together to let go of shame and rediscover your self-worth, book a complimentary discovery call to begin your journey to empowerment.